Acacia Court Palm North
Sold By McCrae Real Estate
Vendor has placed the property on the market to retire:
Live at home run your own business 6 ground level units detached 2 Bedroom home, established clent base easly managed by one person while your spouse works off site. All chattels owned 4 channells SKY, plenty of potential with this complex. The complex may lend to an alternative use.
Buyers looking to own a motel rather than lease. Vendor has placed the motel on the market to sell. Here is the opportunity you have been looking for a motel under a million dollars. With a new vision, active marketing, a buyer would lift the income to the next level.
Units: 6
Listing ID: m781

Malcolm McCrae
Malcolm McCrae is the principal of McCrae Real Estate Limited, MREINZ, REAA Licensed Agent
Malcolm (AREINZ) is a Licensed Agent REAA and has over 33 years experience selling real estate, the last 15 years specialising in the motel industry. Allied Member of the Motel Association of New Zealand and Approved Consultant of Hospitality New Zealand.
Phone : +64 6 3577743
Mobile : +64 274 462 987