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Complaints & Dispute Resolution Procedures

In accordance with Rule 10 Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care Rules) 2009


All licensed real state agents are required to have a written in-house complaints and disputes resolution procedure. McCrae Real Estate's procedure is set out below.

You do not have to use our complaints and resolution procedure. You may make a complaint directly to the Real Estate Agents Authority at any time. You can make a complaint to the Real Estate Agents Authority even if you choose to also use our procedures.

Our In-house Complaints and Disputes Resolution Procedures:

Our complaints and dispute resolution procedures are designed to provide a simple and personalised process for resolving any complaint you might have about the service you have from our agency.

  • STEP 1 Call McCrae Real Estate Ltd on +64 6 357 7743 and speak to Malcolm McCrae, the owner/manager. Express your complaint or concerns. Let Malcolm know what you would like done about your complaint or concerns.
  • STEP 2 Malcolm may ask you to put your complaint in writing so that he can investigate the complaint. He will need a brief period of time to talk to the team members involved. We promise to come back to you within ten (10) working day with a response to your complaint. That response may be in writing. As part of that response we might ask you to meet with members of our team to discuss the complaint and try to effect a resolution.
  • STEP 3 If we are unable to come to an agreed resolution after a meeting, or if you don’t wish to meet with us, then we will provide you with a written proposal to resolve your complaint.
  • STEP 4 If you do not accept our proposal please try and advise us in writing within five (5) working days. You can/may, suggest another way of resolving your complaint.
  • STEP 5 If we accept your preferred resolution we will attempt to implement that resolution as soon as possible. If we decline your preferred resolution we may invite you to mediate the dispute.
  • STEP 6 If we agree to mediate the complaint but don’t settle the complaint at mediation, or we don’t agree to mediate the dispute then that will be the end of our process.

REMEMBER: You can still make a complaint to the Real Estate Agents Authority in the first instance and even use these procedures. You can still make a complaint to the Real Estate Agents Authority at any time.

The Real State Agents Authority
PO Box25-371
Wellington 6146
New Zealand

Telephone 0800 367 7322

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